2051 Serial Programmer Schematic


©2010 AirBorn Our AT89C2051 and AT89C51 programmers date from the 1990's - they are very straightforward, work perfectly well under linux or windows, and we still sell replacements. To help our previous customers we offer Erase, Program and verify an AT89C2051 in one easy operation! Programs in just 6 seconds! PG2051 - A Programmer for the Atmel AT89C2051, from AirBorn Electronics The AT89C2051 is a 20 pin 8051 compatible microprocessor (including serial port) with 2k of FLASH memory, available from Atmel (see ). Installation Manual Powerdyne Arius. The PG2051 erases, programs, and verifies AT89C2051 chips in 6 seconds.

Pic Programmer Schematic

As the AT89C2051 devices are FLASH, they can be reprogrammed as often as needed. The PG2051 is driven by sending it a (standard) Intel hex file through its serial port. This means it can be driven by any operating system - all that is necessary is that the host has a serial port to send the data to the programmer (at 9600 baud) - the programmer will do the rest. The programmer features a test switch which allows the owner to check if an AT89C2051 is blank, working, programmed or failed in just one second - without needing the PC connected. Mechcommander Gold Xp Patch.

AT89C2051 Programmer AT89C2051/4051/1051 PROGRAMMER Here I present another AT89C2051 programmer with a serial interface. But why another one when there are so many already around? The specialty of this programmer is the simple layout which can be easily made on a general purpose board. 3 Faktor Kualitas Software Secara Umum P. In all the other designs you will find that the Port1 of the 'Master' AT89C2051 has to be connected to the Port1 of the 'To-be-programmed' AT89C2051 with the same bit ordering, i.e. Bit 0 has to be connected with bit 0, bit 1 with bit 1 and so on.

Since it is not possible to keep the two AT89C2051s side by side while maintaining the same bit order, you have to carry a lengthy bus and twist it around to reach the other chip. I decided to change this. If you keep the two AT89C2051s side by side with their top side butted against each other, you get something like this: You see the pins get all jumbled up, but this is really good for soldering because eight of your connections can now be made directly using solder without any wiring or jumpers on the topside. This jumbling up of the pins can be easily fixed by the software. Which is what I did. To send a byte to the Port1 of the 'To-be-programmed' chip, the master chip • Reverses the bits in Acc • Rotates the bits right through carry once • Sets the value of its own P3.7 to the value of carry • Sets the value of Acc.7 to the value to be sent to P3.7 of the 'To-be-programmed' chip • Sends the Acc to P1 To receive the data, almost a reverse process is used.

A simple programmer for the Atmel AT89c2051 microcontrollers. Complete PCB, schematics, description, and controlling software for DOS. 2051 Serial Programmer Schematic.

You can see this in the assembly code. The serial communication protocol used here is simple, it can even be programmed via hyperterminal, but only if you want to write a few bytes. I do not know how to send a complete file interspersed with write commands using hyperterminal. Anyway, the software I have made is very simple and has not showed up with any problems so far.

Here is a screenshot: It was developed using the FLTK library and the MinGW gcc compiler. The FLUID tool that is a part of FLTK is a great help in designing interfaces in a fast and easy way. The executable file and source code are provided below in the download section. Here are the pictures of the circuit followed by a schematic: The top side has very few wires moving around. The RS-232 level converter chip MAX 232 is not shown because I have it assembled separately on a small patch board. But in the provided schematic and layout, they are all on the same board sharing the same supply. I have an even better layout in mind, but I have not made it into a board yet.

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