22 Strand Dna Activation Cd


(Sponsored post) THE NEXT STEP ACTIVATING YOUR 22 DNA STRANDS By The DNA is the building blocks of life, containing the genetic codes for creation. The mapping of the physical strands has begun. Scientists have only distinguished that we have 12 Strands of DNA. Our human DNA contains far more than scientists know. They are unable to read the etheric codes at this present time. Plus they have considered 10 strands out 12 Stands of our DNA as 'Junk DNA' thinking that it serves no purpose. In the future, when the technology is developed to enable them to read this part of the DNA codes, they will be significantly surprised.

Majority of the population has only two to three active DNA strands and the other strands are dormant. When you come down to a planet like Earth that is a lower frequency of dimension and the programming of human life styles, this blocks your DNA.

22 Strand Dna Activation Cd23 Dna Strands

WHAT ARE THE BENEFITS OF A 22 STRAND DNA ACTIVATION SESSION? Private 22 DNA Activation are through. The Island By Athol Fugard Pdf Writer there. I just ordered Thunderbeat's CD's and.

Therefore, we forget who we are and why we are here and all our higher dimensional capabilities. Most of the Crystal, Indigo and Rainbow children have four to five DNA Strands activated. That is because Mother Earth has raised her frequency and these beings are now willing to come here. Your DNA is sacred, personal and unique. It is the blueprint of who you are, where you come from and why you are here on Earth. DNA determines your body type, behavior patterns, potential diseases; it holds your family genetic patterns and karma. It is passed down from your ancestors and you then pass it on to those who come after you.

The 22 strands of DNA are of etheric light-based DNA not visible under the microscope. This knowledge has been known for thousands of years. The ancient Egyptian priests and priestesses initiated 22 DNA / activations in the temples. In the ancient times they did not call it DNA they identify it as the “22 GOLDEN LIGHT CODES “.

In India, a Yogi receives many steps of initiations that activate their DNA and could take a lifetime. These Golden light codes are also mentioned in the keys of Enoch in the 202 section of the book. When a person is ready for the next step of ascension, they are attracted to the 22 Strand DNA Activation.

WHAT ARE THE BENEFITS OF A 22 STRAND DNA ACTIVATION SESSION? • Enables you to have more energy and clarity. • Opens up unconscious knowledge stored within.

• Clears dysfunctional family and genetic karmic patterns. • Strengthens the immune system and quickens rejuvenation.

• Creates a greater opening for connecting to the Higher Self. • Helps you to remember who you are and why you are here.

• Empowers you and brings forth talents and abilities yet unrealized. • It activates dormant brain functions to their original divine function. • It raises your frequency level by bringing more light into the physical body. • You will begin to manifest your higher senses like intuition, telepathy, and clairvoyance.

IF YOU KNOW, YOU ARE READY FOR YOUR 22 STRAND DNA ACTIVATION. Please contact me, Devara ThunderBeat at or call me at 928-204-0752 to Schedule your appointment. The one time session is a 1 ½ hours. Private 22 DNA Activation are through Skype or in person (I live in Sedona, AZ) you will also receive a chakra balancing, what to do after the activation and a recording of your session, as many messages from your guides, ancestors and or angels will come through. You only need this activation once - in -a –lifetime, Never having to do it again under any circumstances. May You Walk In The Light Of Truth Of Who You Are!

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