Al Bhed Translator Program

Al Bhed Translator Program

English Al Bhed Translator. This is a simple Al Bhed translation thingy. The code is open source: View the ECMAScript source.

Here's a translator for Al Bhed from FFX. It's written completely in autoit and it's pretty bare-bones but it works and includes spaces and special characters like!

Supports unicode (as far as I know anyway) and capitalizes the beginning of each word. Suggestions for improvements on looks or added features or anything else are welcome, as well as helpful crticism. Edit: oops,wrong file version.twice even. Sure, I just mean I plan to add something to the program so when it's translated it also shows you how to say it. Like 'E moja oui' (I use that a lot with my girlfriend so I've memorized it) would have under it 'ee-mow-ha-wee' or something similar. Sorry to say but this is going to be postponed considerably. I'm running vista and it decided to delete every file off my desktop without asking to do so and the source was saved there.

Also I just wrote a tutorial (just today) so it might be a bit before I get this working. However, writing that tutorial gave me some ideas on improvements I could make to this. Edit: I found a backup that was only a few days old so I have my source again! Download Bolt Pc Game Full. With the source and the new ideas I gained from writing my tutorial I should be able to make an enhanced version fairly soon. Did I mention I got my source back?

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