Development Nervous System Sanes Second Edition
Development of the Nervous System, Second Edition has been thoroughly revised and updated since the publication of the First Edition. It presents a broad outline of neural development principles as exemplified by key experiments and observations from past and recent times. Tamil History Books Free Download Pdf.
Amsterdam, Holland: Elsevier, 2006. 2nd Edition 4th Printing. COLOR & B/W Photos, Illus.
(full book description) Elsevier, Amsterdam, Holland, 2006. 2nd Edition 4th Printing, Fine-, Hard Cover, DJ Not Issued.
Size=9'x11', 373pgs(Index). COLOR & B/W Photos, Illus. Clean, bright and tight. No ink names, tears, chips, foxing, etc. Has an empty plastic pocket inside rear cover but according to ISBN date on copyright page, the edition with this ISBN did not come with a CD-ROM, but front cover states 'Figure CD Included'. ISBN 99% OF OUR BOOKS ARE SHIPPED IN CUSTOM BOXES, WE ALWAYS PACK WITH GREAT CARE! Bookseller:, New York, United States.
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Development of the Nervous System presents a broad and basic treatment of the established and evolving principles of neural development as exemplified by key experiments and observations from past and recent times. The text is organized ontogenically. It begins with the emergence of the neural primordium and takes a chapter-by-chapter approach in succeeding events in neural development: patterning and growth of the nervous system, neuronal determination, axonal navigation and targeting, neuron survival and death, synapse formation and developmental plasticity.
Finally, in the last chapter, with the construction phase nearing completion, we examine the emergence of behavior. This new edition reflects the complete modernization of the field that has been achieved through the intensive application of molecular, genetic, and cell biological approaches. It is richly illustrated with color photographs and original drawings. Combined with the clear and concise writing, the illustrations make this a book that is well suited to students approaching this intriguing field for the first time.
Key Features. Dedication Preface to the Third Edition Preface to the Second Edition Preface to the First Edition 1. Neural induction Development and evolution of neurons Early embryology of metazoans Derivation of neural tissue Interactions with neighboring tissues in making neural tissue The molecular nature of the neural inducer Conservation of neural induction Interactions among the ectodermal cells in controlling neuroblast segregation Summary 2.
Polarity and segmentation Regional identity of the nervous system The anterior–posterior axis and hox genes Hox gene function in the vertebrate nervous system Signaling molecules that pattern the anterior–posterior axis in vertebrates: heads or tails Organizing centers in the developing brain Forebrain development, prosomeres, and pax genes Dorsal–ventral polarity in the neural tube Dorsal neural tube and neural crest Patterning the cerebral cortex Summary 3. Genesis and migration What determines the number of cells produced by the progenitors? The generation of neurons and glia Cerebral cortex histogenesis Cerebellar cortex histogenesis Molecular mechanisms of neuronal migration Postembryonic and adult neurogenesis Summary 4. Determination and differentiation Transcriptional hierarchies in invariant lineages: C. Elegans neurons Spatial and temporal coordinates of determination: drosophila CNS neuroblasts Asymmetric cell divisions and asymmetric fate Generating complexity through cellular interactions: the drosophila retina Specification and differentiation through cellular interactions and interactions with the local environment: the vertebrate neural crest Competence and histogenesis: the mammalian cortex The interplay of intrinsic and extrinsic influences in histogenesis: the vertebrate retina Interpreting gradients and the spatial organization of cell types: spinal motor neurons Summary 5. Axon growth and guidance The growth cone The dynamic cytoskeleton Dendrite formation What do growth cones grow on?