General Quarters Alarm Download
AUTHENTIC NAVY ALARM SOUNDS AUTHENTIC NAVY ALARM SOUNDS PAGE Revised 1/21/2018 OK, I'm stumped. What are navy sounds doing on a police car page?? • This is my opportunity to let the world have some authentic samples from my sound collection (I.E. It's my space so I can use it how I want!!). I've acquired these sounds over the period of the last fifteen years or so via the Internet, actual samples from equipment, you name it.
Championship Manager 2008 Free Download Full Game. I get really steamed listening to some of these cheesy sounds that people try to pass off as 'authentic', when you want something real you want something real! • In order to make it to this page, the sounds have to be completely authentic (I.E. Coming off the actual signal generator or oscillator card, or when the stack is not available a reproduction from an accurate signal generator matching the original specifications). This is as close to the real thing as being on the ship and pulling the contact maker yourself!! I am always looking for authentic navy alarm sounds, if you have any please drop me an EMAIL with a file attachment and I'll post them. If you can record clean sounds right off the 'stack', those are VERY desirable!!
Free General+quarters+alarm ringtones. Create and share your own ringtones, videos, themes and cell phone wallpapers with your friends. Submarine & Navy Sounds. General Quarters Battle Stations: Reactor Reactor Causality Alarm: Ship Sounds: SONAR (pinging) Ships Bell: Pipe: Torpedo: Reveille. General quarters, battle stations, or action stations is an announcement made aboard a naval warship to signal that all hands. Authentic Navy Alarm Sounds.
As far as I am aware none of these sounds are copyrighted, all files should be in the public domain. If this is incorrect, let me know and I'll remove the file in question. Sources and author(s) for contributed files are credited when requested. • All files are in WAV format, the link gives information on what the sound actually represents (I.E.