Install Cellulose Insulation Without Blower Motors


I'll be insulating the attic of the house I'm building and am trying to decide between cellulose vs mineral wool (loose fill). -- need R50+ -- about 1300 sq ft -- roof trusses @ 24' -- plenty of room over the eaves for full depth of fill -- half is a flat ceiling, half is 5:12 ceiling under a 8:12 roof. Questions: How hard to install loose fill mineral wool without a blower (ads claim you can)? What about cellulose?

Will the sloped ceiling be a problem with one or the other types? Could some baffels be put in first?

Cost To Install Cellulose Insulation

Any help appreciated. Jim Green Haines AK • • •. Why wouldn't you use a blower? They are available for free from most of the big box stores if you buy the insulation there. Without a blower you'll be very hard pressed to install the insulation evenly enough that it will work as advertised.

This is one of those jobs that I never do if I can hire a pro and I've done t plently of times. By the time you make the many trips back and forth to get the insulation, work through the learnign curve and then get it done the pro will probably be cheaper.

Jun 29, 2010 Using a leaf blower to install cellulose insulation. The insulation would screw up the motor and wouldn't make. Insulation blowers. DIY Blown Insulation- FINALLY! We used GreenFiber cellulose insulation. Evan took a more close up video of the blower and cellulose in action.

Yes, baffles go first. The only insulation worth having is insulation that was installed well and that requires a craftsman. Some flavors of mineral wool claim to be 'pourable' -- you can dump it out and rake it around. However, it is compacted in the bag and needs to be 'aerated' (the clumps broken up) before it's spread.

Before you do anything, calculate how many bags of insulation you'll need (and how much they'll weigh). Think about hauling all those bags up to the attic. Cheat Dodge Hack Rf Online Classes.

(And the time to think about insulating the attic, especially in a remote town in Alaska, is before you start building it. You need to plan for the insulation.).

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