Installous 4 Crashes
Feb 12, 2009 How to Stop Apps & Games from Crashing on iPod Touch and iPhone with. Solved Installous 4 and.
Click to expand.You're arguing semantics and going off topic. It's a simple question, and I'm not asking about pirating any apps.
Maybe I'm asking if the Search function is crashing the app for anyone else because I'm having an issue with my iPhone search feature and I'm wondering if it happens with other apps like Cydia and Installous, or if the issue is with my iPhone and not Installous. Maybe I find it more convenient to preview an app description thru Installous instead of the App store, or if the App store is down or there is a lot of traffic. Maybe I find it easier to update apps I paid for thru Installous, as the App store requires me to enter my password to download updates for free and/or paid apps and my password is long and convoluted and difficult and time consuming to enter, especially while commuting to work on a bumpy bus ride. Maybe there are other reasons not related to pirating apps. I shouldn't have to explain myself to people that have nothing to contribute to the thread when I'm asking a simple question. If the mods want to delete the post, then that's fine, but don't accuse me of pirating for asking a question if the Search function, not the download function, and subsequently installing the download is crashing the app, because that's your assumption and not my intent.
I know the rules here and wouldn't have posted if this regarded pirating apps as opposed to trying to track down an issue that may be related to the search function crashing the app. Belajar Microsoft Excel 2010 Pdf Bahasa Indonesia. So please, save your preaching for Sunday church. Gakuen Hetalia English Download Pc. BTW, Installous has apps that are free on the Apple App store. So it's not piracy to download a free app from a different source than the Apple App store. And verion 3 of Installous does not crash when hitting the 'Search' icon, so that helps me with my troubleshooting of the issue I'm having with my phone's search function. As for the snarky comments, one can only guess why someone would engage in such behavior and accuse someone of piracy without knowing the facts.