Patch Fr Toy Story 2 Pc


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Patch Fr Toy Story 2 Pc

[QUOTE='GTR12'] In control panel, put the Hardware Acceleration to full, should fix it. Harry_james_pot It is on full.:( btw, if it helps, my specs are: Q6600, 4GB RAM, 9800GTX+. I was gunna say just turn on compatibility mode. But you've said you tried all of them:( I remember with my old laptop, it refused to run KOtOR because my graphics drivers were to new/old? I messed about with my drivers but couldn't fix it. I pressume you've tried updating your graphics drivers?

It maybe worth a shot. Edit- if it's pirated then that would be a good reason towards the error. Have you thought about PSX emulation?

I know it isn't too frowned upon down here. Especialy if you own a legit copy of the game.

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