Ps3 Bluetooth Headset 2.0 Pc Driver
That's all you need. If it works fine on your mobile then it'll work fine on your PC. It may say 'official' on the box but at the end of the day it is just your bog standard bluetooth headset. Driver wise, you shouldn't need one, windows should install it all fine.
My official PS3 Bluetooth headset 2.0 to my Windows 7. How To Install Subtitles From Subscene on this page. PS3 Bluetooth Headset connecting to PC. Some drivers to support the headset but am not. Find great deals on eBay for ps3 bluetooth headset and. Bluetooth Headset Headphone For PS3 Trucker Drivers. PS3 Bluetooth 2.0 Ear-Hook Headset.
Should being the keyword. We all know in the computing world things aren't always that smooth:p For instance, both my laptop and pc have synced to my BT headset fine in the past. On my last format however when I tried to sync the hardware together, nada.
Couldn't do it because Windows Update couldn't find the drivers needed, even though it knew it was a BT headset. (no software came with the headset either and there's nothing on the manufac website. I suspect the official headset will be much the same).